honny 发表于 2009-11-30 16:27:39

Someone's Watching Over Me - Hilary Duff

本帖最后由 honny 于 2009-11-30 16:34 编辑

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<MARQUEE scrollDelay=600 direction=up width=300 height=400 onMouseOut="this.start()" onMouseOver="this.stop()"><FONT face=微软雅黑 color=red size=+1>Someone's Watching Over <SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tools/ajax.aspx?t=topicswithsametag&amp;tagid=58">Me</SPAN> <BR><BR>F<SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tools/ajax.aspx?t=topicswithsametag&amp;tagid=56">ou</SPAN>nd myself today <BR>Oh I found myself and ran a<SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tools/ajax.aspx?t=topicswithsametag&amp;tagid=55">way</SPAN> <BR>Something pulled me back <BR>The voice of reason I forgot I had <BR>All I know is just you're not here to say <BR>What you always used to say <BR>But it's written in <SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tools/ajax.aspx?t=topicswithsametag&amp;tagid=54">the</SPAN> sky tonight <BR>So I won't give up <BR>No I won't break down <BR>Sooner than it seems life turns around <BR>And I will be strong <BR>Even if it all goes wrong <BR>When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe <BR>Someone's watching over me <BR><BR>Seen that ray of light <BR>And it's shining on my destiny <BR>Shining all the time <BR>And I wont be afraid <BR>To follow everywhere it's taking me <BR>All I know is yesterday is gone <BR>And right now I belong <BR>Took this moment to my dreams <BR><BR>So I won't give up <BR>No I won't break down <BR>Sooner than it seems life turns around <BR>And I will be strong <BR>Even if it all goes wrong <BR>When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe <BR>Someone's watching over me <BR><BR>It doesn't matter what people say <BR>And it doesn't matter how long it takes <BR>Believe in yourself and you'll fly high <BR>And it only matters how true you <SPAN class=t_tag onclick=tagshow(event) href="tools/ajax.aspx?t=topicswithsametag&amp;tagid=53">are</SPAN> <BR>Be true to yourself and follow your heart<BR></FONT>
<TD vAlign=bottom align=left type="vertical" spacer><FONT face=微软雅黑 color=red size=4><BR><BR><STRONG><BR>下载地址:</STRONG><A href="http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/3eb211be938f5607a1c17e91786d8113"><FONT size=2>Someone's Watching Over Me</FONT></A></FONT></TD><EMBED src=http://www.8box.com/feed/000000_s_38323_1/mini.swf width=0 height=0 type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode="transparent"></EMBED></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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青春。 发表于 2009-11-30 16:38:05


﹏Glume 发表于 2009-11-30 16:38:36

歌不错= = 帖子..继续编辑.哈哈

天涯哨兵 发表于 2009-11-30 16:43:05


bloodsnow 发表于 2009-11-30 17:06:18

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